#TBT : Let’s Take A Look At These 15 Rare Photos Of Vizag Which Are Delightfully Authentic

Visakhapatnam is the largest city and the financial capital of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The city is home to the oldest shipyard and the only natural harbor on the east coast of India. Visakhapatnam is a major tourist destination and is particularly known for its beaches. It is referred to by many nicknames such as The City of Destiny and The Jewel of the East Coast.

Let’s take a look at these vintage photos of Vizag…

1. Visakhapatnam City

VISAKHAPATNAM CITY2. Lal Bahabur Shastry Inaugurating The Light House In  1957

LIGHT HOUSE3. Expansion Of Hindustan Ship Yard

SHIP YARD4. Merchant Navy Canteen In Vizag, 1951

MERCHANT NAVY CANTEEN5. A Passenger Ship Named Andaman Being Built At Visakhapatnam

ANDAMAN BEING BUILT6. A Naval Guest House In Vizag, 1952

NAVAL GUEST HOUSE7. Beach Road, Vizag- Which Was Much Prior Called As “Vizagapatnam”

BEACH ROAD8.Two Ships Under Construction At Ship Yard, Visakhapatnam

SHIP YARD9. Construction Of A Shed In Hindustan Ship Yard

HINDUSTAN SHIP YARD10. Pandit Nehru At Launching Ceremony Of S.S.Jala Usha, India’s First Home-Built Modern Naval Vessel At Vishakhapatnam

NAVAL VESSEL11. Light House On Dolphin’s Nose Vizag

LIGHTHOUSE12. The Famous Dolphin Nose Hill With Light House On It

DOLPHIN NOSE13. Vizag’s Beach Road in the 1950s

Beach Road14. The seaside before the harbor expansion with St. Aloysius High School in the background.

Aloysius High School15. The Shades of Vizag

Shades of Vizag

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