8 Different types of prasadam eaters


Gudiki eh time lo vellina, bhaktulaki prasadam ivvakunda undaru. They make everyone happy. Here are a few kind of prasadam eaters

1. They eat just one metku. Edo ala formality kosam.1 Different types of prasadam eaters-min
2. They love konni temples lo prasadam that they do not go back asking for some more.2 Different types of prasadam eaters-min
3. There are queue breakers. These people entha mandi line lo una first velli teeskoni vellipotharu.3 Different types of prasadam eaters-min
4. They get themselves an empty bag, pack some for family and go.4 Different types of prasadam eaters-min
5. Kondaru come to temple and have prasadam as their first food.5 Different types of prasadam eaters-min
6. There are people who love eating prasadam from mom’s or dad’s or friends hands but do not take any themselves.6 Different types of prasadam eaters-min
7. Inkondarki..hands wash cheskoniki baddakam authadi, so they ask others to bring for them and feed too.7 Different types of prasadam eaters-min
8. Edaina pedda pilgrimage tour ki velthe, their bag is filled with so much prasadam. Initki ochinaka main work starts with distributing.8 Different types of prasadam eaters-min