Mothers are every daughter’s first best friend and is definitely a life time one. Best friends ante love and togetherness kakunda chinna chinna fights kuda untay. Here are a few fights we experience with our parents.
1. Food fightMana mothers want us to eat certain kinds of food and avi manaki ishtam undavi. Hence, fight happens, we eat, fight ends!
2. Morning alarm fightsWe lazy bums sleep a lot of time and our mothers try all the ways to wake us up!
3. We do not work at allAnte…mothers tell us some work and we keep postponing it and hence a cat fight.
4. Phone fightTechnology problems. They can never replace love but sometimes replaces boredom. We tend to be with phones for which our parents get irritated.
5. Marriage fightsWe want to stay with her and follow our dreams and she wants to get us married. hence, we fight for the moment and then go sleep over her lap with a sorry.
6. Learn to cook fightOur mothers want us to learn to cook and we want to eat her food!!!!
7. Wear proper dresses fightShe wants us to get dressed up decently and we want to follow the trend or get styled like we want!
8. Friends and party fightsShe wants us to stay home during holidays and we want to enjoy with friends.