9 reasons why breakfast is important!


Having food at the right time is really important. Of all our routines, breakfast is really important. It balances your energy all day and helps you stay active. Here are a few reasons

why having a healthy and a complete breakfast is really important.

1. We have our first meal of the day after a gap of nearly 8 hours and hence to not avoid empty stomach for a longer time, we must break the fast.1 why breakfast is important-min
2. Breakfast should be consumed within 2 hours of waking up.2 why breakfast is important-min
3. It provides 25% of the total energy and nutrients required by the body. It will boost your energy levels and concentration.3 why breakfast is important-min
4. Skipping breakfast makes you eat larger meals at other times of the day.4 why breakfast is important-min
5. We must make sure the meal should be a perfect combination of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber to ensure nutrition is maintained.5 why breakfast is important-min
6. But a very, very heavy breakfast makes your day lazy due to load in your stomach.6 why breakfast is important-min
7. No other meal in the day can compensate for a healthy breakfast.7 why breakfast is important-min
8. Having the right first meal ensures us to be healthy. 8 why breakfast is important-min
9. It helps avoid obesity, high BP, heart diseases and diabetes.9 why breakfast is important-min