Major Achievements Of The Modi Government In The Last 5 Years

19 Major Achievements Of The PM Modi

Swachh Bharath Mission

swatch bharath

A mission to keep India clean and tidy.


The amendment of bankruptcy laws was necessary when bankers were grappling with use rise in non-performing assets, where the govt’s eye was on bringing more entrepreneurs!

Real Estate

It was a game changer for the housing-sector, making it more transparent, real estate contributes about 9% to India’s GDP.

Yoga Day!

Yoga day

Declared, June 21 as international Yoga day.

Mann ki baat

Mann ki bat

Prime Minister’s initiative to address millions of people, that too periodically. That’s something sensible.

Digital India

Digital India

A powerful movement to Digitize India and knowledge economy.

Startup India

Promote bank financing for start-up companies encouraging the young entrepreneurs!



A daring move to ban the currency notes to reduce corruption and black money.



A Transparent Taxation system, combining all the taxes into one single Tax to reduce corruption. Some products experienced a dip in prices some experienced a hike, some were moderated. But, the chaos in taxation is reduced in a drastic way, which also reduced the accumulation of taxes (Cumulative taxes).

Women’s Bill – Women Empowerment

Seeks 1/3 representation of parliament members to be women. Women empowerment.

Smart India plans

To make India a smart country, each sector integrated with IOT.

Make in India

Encourages foreign investments, revamp labor laws to make India a manufacturing Hub. Many countries have agreed to this move.

Aadhar Card

A unique identity card for citizens of India. This supports digital India by digitizing the identities and integrating with all other necessities like Passports etc.

Bullet Trains

Fastest trains in India, following the technology used by Japan. Over 98,000 crores were invested.

Various welfare schemes

  • To benefit farmers with a slew of insurance schemes like crop insurance
  • Atal Pension Yojana for the unorganized sector,
  • affordable health insurance coverage
  • Jan Aushadhi Yojana for retail sales of generic drugs
  • Introduced, Kisan Vikas Patra.
  • Introduced a PPF-equivalent for girl child, the Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme.

Yemen Evacuation – Contribution of peace!

This is one of the biggest evacuations headed by Sushma swaraj, who earned laurels for succeeding the operation by rescuing Kerala nurses and bringing back differently abled Geeta from Pakistan.

Jan Dhan Yojana

jan dhaan yojana

Opening bank accounts. India also holds Guinness records for opening a lot of bank accounts in a short period of time.!

LPG Subsidy Reforms

This barred LPG to customers who earned more than 10L per annum. The saved money was used to give it people who still use kerosene or fire woods!

Also Read : Few Times When Modi Proved That He Is The Coolest PM India Has Ever Had

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