8 Simple DIY Homemade Lip Balm For Healthy Lips


One of the biggest task for ladies is to find out the perfect lip balm. Instead of searching for artificial ones, we are sharing the easy and quick recipes of homemade lip balms.

1. Prepare lip balm in 10 minutes1lipstickFor this, you need three simple ingredients, beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil. It will keep your lips healthy and glowing.

2. Crystal Light Lip Balm2lipstickYou just need to have Crystal Light iced tea packets and Vaseline to prepare this one.

3. Lime Lip Balm3lipstickA perfect lip balm for Summer season. It will keep your lips soft even you are traveling here and there in the scorching heat.

4. Tinted Raspberry Lip Balm4lipstickUsing real raspberries, this lip balm tastes like a fruit smoothie.

5. Coconut Rose Lip Balm5lipstickMix the coconut flavor and rose petals for a perfect lip scrub.

6. Peppermint Lip Balm6lipstickThis peppermint-flavor balm will make your lips even more attractive and beautiful.

7. Hemp & Honey7lipstickManuka honey, which actually has antibacterial properties helps you to soften your lips.

8. Sparkly Strawberry Lip Balm8-Water-mark-2Add glitters to this strawberry flavor lip balm to make you lips more attractive.