Tollywood superstar Akkineni Nagarjuna is a face that needs no introduction. On Thursday evening, the actor posted a video on his official Instagram page highlighting Telangana’s vibrant culture, splendid heritage, and beautiful travel destinations that nobody talks about. Recollecting his cherished memories associated with the state and all the spots he has visited, the actor listed a few places he wants his fans to visit as well.
Applauding the Telangana government’s attempts to promote safe tourism and sustainability, Nagarjuna hailed the authorities for revitalizing tourism in the state over the years, focusing on enhancing the visitors’ travel experiences. In the video, the Manmadhudu star further mentioned his favorite Telangana cuisines, which he enjoys eating; of course, Biryani is included. Apart from food, he also listed some must-visit places.
Wearing a black shirt and tinted glasses, Nagarjuna looked handsome as ever and appealed to his fans and followers to explore this southern state that is magnificent. While ending the video, the veteran actor said, “Zarur Aana Humare Telangana.”
Meanwhile, Telangana tourism is committed to elevating the state’s tourism and travel in order to enrich tourists’ experiences. The Telangana government has also launched a dynamic campaign to revive the tourism sector and establish Telangana as India’s preferred destination.
As part of this effort, the government will introduce a new tourism policy promoting Telangana as a safe and secure environment, a rich cultural legacy, and varied cuisine to attract local and foreign travelers.
Telangana offers a unique blend of culture, modernity, and natural beauty and is gradually becoming one of India’s most popular travel destinations. The state authorities are also committed to providing a warm and unforgettable experience for tourists, ensuring the region is safe and women-friendly.
With 2025 bringing numerous opportunities, the government is trying to encourage people to “Travel Telangana” and tour the state to witness its unmatched hospitality and heritage.
Thank you, @iamnagarjuna garu! Your inspiring message about Telangana’s vibrant culture, rich heritage, and stunning tourist destinations beautifully reflects our true essence.
This video shines a spotlight on the unique charm of Telangana and inspires many to explore its…
— Telangana Tourism (@TravelTelangana) January 9, 2025
About Telangana Tourism
Telangana Tourism is dedicated to promoting eco-friendly travel strategies and highlighting its remarkable diversity. With ancient sites, tranquil scenery, and mouthwatering food, Telangana has something to offer every kind of tourist.