10 Reasons Why Being Single Is The Most Greatest Thing Ever..!!


If you are surrounded by committed people in your life, you realise that you might be missing out on those cuddles, candle light dinners and the extra care which is practically showered on you. We live in a society where we come across many situations where we miss out on having a perfect relationship. Therefore If you had a break up recently or remain single by choice, here are the 10 reasons which explain why having a simple single life is a bliss.

1. You can work on yourself:1 - gymAccording to a survey by UK researchers, 62% of respondent gained 14 or more pounds after getting in relationship. If you are one of the victim of it go and hit the gym, take a walk and embrace the body which is going to be with you all your life, unlike your partner

2. Time saving:2 - yourselfHave you thought about the countless numbers of hours you have spent on dates and phones, while in a relationship. It’s a high time to spend time on yourself.

3. Money:3 - moneyGone are the days where you have to keep checking on your Credit card limit. Being single gives you a mammoth pleasure of spending on yourself.

4. Freedom for night out:4 - partyWhen was the last time you actually had a blast with your friends? Being in a relationship curb you with those restrictions. Go, call them and party till you drop without having any guilt.

5. Mingle with other people:5 - mingleYour partner can be possessive when you try to mingle and socialize with other people. Embracing a single life gives an opening to increase your friendship circle.

6. Shop yourself:6 - shoppingShopping for your own self gives a contentment which is beyond measure. It’s the time to update your wardrobe.

7. No social media stalking:7 - social mediaYou can post anything, everything and with anyone in social media. There will be no one monitoring over your virtual life.

8. Night calls:8 - phoneBeing in a relationship just not requires your commitment but also pledge to sacrifice your sleep, text and spend a hefty amount on your phone bills . Shut the phone down and spend time with your family.

9. Forced relationship:9 - relation shipwhen you get in to a relationship, you also get involved with your partner’s family, pet and friends which you might not resemble. Move beyond the forced like disguised on you.

10. Go on a holiday, alone:10 - tripTravelling gives an opportunity to experience new places and also to develop ourselves. Choose your favorite destination and travel single-handedly.

So what are you waiting for..Be Single And Be Happy.. (I realise that didn’t actually come out in the best of ways but still)