‘I Am Karthik’ – You Must Watch This Short Film On Drunken Driving


Family and friends are the best social partners anyone can have in their lifetime. One can never compare the amount of value they add to our lives. You might be a son, father, brother, husband, friend – in some way you too mean a lot to your loved ones.

Drunken driving is one issue which can avoided just over a thought. Drunken driving might be fun or time saving or even money saving means, but nothing is more valuable than your life.

RK Nallam and Klapboard Production have come up with a short film called I Am Karthik. The short film by J SivSai Vardhan is cute, sweet and straight to the point. The importance of being a father and his presence in the little family is shown in a touching way.

Don’t just check out this video, let’s give it a serious shot to follow. For, you and I care for our loved ones and we want to spend more time with our loved ones. Remember, it’s just a thought away!