Meet The Photographer Who Went On A Stalking Spree When A Girl Rejected Him…!!

Mera Bharat Mahan!

We live in a country where it is perfectly fine for a guy to rape, abuse, call names, and even kill a girl for denying his advances. From blaming her dress, to the company she keeps were something that we’ve all heard since times immemorial. And our leaders (politicians) have raised the bar of stupidity high, time and again by blaming everything from chowmein to use of mobiles as girls “asking for it.” And now a wannabe politician and a self-proclaimed “hero” from God’s own country has joined the bandwagon.

Alwin eldho Joseph, a photographer, and a staunch supporter of a National political party went on an abusive spree when a girl refused to respond to his unsolicited pleasantries on Facebook. While Facebook is indeed a platform to socialise and stay connected with friends, there are a few creeps like Alwin eldho Joseph who make their way into your “Others” folder as they wanna do Fraandship with you.

While most of us fail to react to these, and some of these creeps disappear taking the message that they are being ignored, there are some that resort to abuses. Alwin Eldho Joseph for instance has been messaging Aswathy Girijan, a Junior Lecturer, for several months now.

And when she failed to respond with interest to his pleasantries, he resorted to abuse her. Well, with that entire Political aura filling his profile, it indeed seems like he believes that he can go scott-free from such acts. But, lo-behold. Aswathy took it upon her to make this self proclaimed “hero” famous and posted screenshots of the conversation on her profile. Here is a link to the original post!

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Way to go girl! Time to make him famous and make sure his face is seen beyond the flexes for political campaigns and selfies with the Congress MLAs.



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