Some Important travelling essentials you should have in your backpack


Holidays season is ahead and we plan many trips. Here are some useful suggestions for what all to carry in your backpack or handbag while travelling.
1.MoneytravellingInstead of keeping all your money at a place, keep it divided at different places. Some in wallet, some in travel bag and some at a secret place where you think they will be safe. Carry extra change.

2.Water bottletravellingAlways carry a water bottle with you as it is important to stay hydrated. Keep refilling the bottle wherever you get chance
3.ID prooftravellingKeep one original ID proof always handy and Xerox of it. When travelling they are utmost important, be it in trains or airport or while checking in at a hotel.
4.SanitizertravellingIt might not be possible to wash hands always while travelling, so it’s a good practice to carry a small bottle of sanitizer.
5.Dry fruits5 - dry fruitsPack some dry fruits and keep them handy so that you can nibble them when feel hungry and don’t find anything nearby. If you are planning for a trek, dry fruits and energy bars are best food to carry, compact at the same time gives you energy instantly.
6.Book6 - bookWhen you have long hours of journey, using phone or tab continuously for long duration is not advisable. So having a book with you is a very good option to while away the time.
7.Power bank & Charger7 - chargingPeople today carry a lot of electronic gadgets with them, Phone, tab, camera etc charging them while travelling may not be possible always. So carrying a power bank with you will save your day.
8.Earphones8 - ear phonesAll the music lovers will never forget this. Use earphones when travelling so that you can enjoy your music without disturbing others. And others won’t disturb you also if you keep your earphones plugged in 😉
9.Dry & Wet Tissues9 - tissuesIf you accidentally spill anything or to wipe your hands after eating, having a small pack of wet & dry tissues will always come handy
10.Basic Medicines10 - medicinesFew will have travel sickness, So it’s always better to carry basic medicines foe head ache, nausea, loose motions, fever.
11.Sunscreen & Shades11 - sunscreenDon’t let hot sun stop you from having your day out. Keep sunscreen and shades always in your bag.
12.Chewing gums & Mints12 - orbitTo maintain pleasant odor and to feel fresh during your journey chewing gums and mints are a good alternative.