While nations are getting ready to combat the threat of ISIS in many ways, a fringe Hindutva group that goes by the name of Dharma Sena claims to have created a 15000 member strong army ready to face the threat of ISIS.
According to a report in The Times of India, there are three ‘training camps’ in Meerut city, and five more in Muzzafarnagar district. In these camps, the members are taught to defend themselves against the ‘threat’ of Islamic violence.
Some of the members are as young as 10 years old, and they are being indoctrinated into the group early, with the hope of continuing as members throughout their lives. The report also claimed that they want to establish a ‘Hindu State’ as opposed to the ‘Islamic State’, and that is the reason for setting up the Dharma Sena.
Instances of rising religious indoctrination is a cause of worry in India, as there are reports of religious disturbances on a daily basis. We appeal to the authorities to ensure that no untoward incident takes place due to this rising disturbing trend.